
OrsimBlossim - 2005-09-08 07:33:56
It IS crass and tasteless. And gross. And if you weren't so universally well-known on Diaryland, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who would read your diary anymore. And you KNOW that's why you write: because you want people to know what you have to say. We all do.
adoring fan - 2005-09-08 07:37:26
so glad you are back. missed you.
Nina - 2005-09-08 07:37:39
Except the tsunami killed over 300,000 people.
Heather - 2005-09-08 07:46:26
I was with you right up till your spring rain comment, that was just ridiculous.
NetMom - 2005-09-08 07:47:42
Honey, don't worry about the idiots. If they can't see you were pointing out the irony, and the foolishness of mankind, then they're part of the population that have only survived because we've dummie-proofed too many things.
Chunk - 2005-09-08 07:51:51
Thousands of people dead. vs Hundreds of thousands of non american(ie non human) dead. No contest! spring rain! Millions homeless with no jobs (most of whom didn't have jobs) vs Millions of non americans (ie non human) homeless with no jobs. No contest... more spring rain!
Kathy - 2005-09-08 08:00:58
I just hated to see that poor man's body exploited one more time. He was somebody's father or uncle or son or husband or brother. I thought you could have gotten your point across using a photograph of the actual fools who were out at the beach instead. But I still "love" you in a stranger sort of way.
Sherry - 2005-09-08 08:22:47
Welcome UB, was really worried about you, and bored too!
Barb and Sherri - 2005-09-08 08:32:39
Glad you are back UB. Missed you and worried about you too.
Sniel - 2005-09-08 08:50:30
Jesus Bob...let sleeping dogs lie! That faux pas was behind you, but you had to dig it up again. And the spring rain comment shows a real lack of perspective. Just because it happened somewhat close to you doesn't make it any more of a tragedy. Stick to talking about your redneck weddings.
IV:XX - 2005-09-08 08:56:20
What can you do, UB? People are stupid. Oh, BTW, the car repairman may not have been in need of the complete Elvis Costello collection, but I am. Where do you park?
Tophermo - 2005-09-08 09:15:58
I totally missed the point, I thought the guy in the photo WAS just getting a tan. Now I'm really offended. Or not, whatever. Funny stuff, funny stuff, got to make breakfast and lunch for everyone, just to funny.
Andy - 2005-09-08 09:18:05
Yea, sure that's what you ment by the tusami article. But then again. I don't care. You see, you are a complete stranger to me and I don't give two shits.

However, for what's worth, I thought it was funny, and at the same time made people uncomforatbale. I got that. I didn't get/belive the B.S you just wrote to validate and explain your deeper meaning. anyhow.... Sometimes humor is like that. Don't appologize. Dead people are funny, unless you know em. Bob Denver? Dead. Fucking hillarious. I also enjoyed the self rightous pricks who copped an attitude over it.

Anyhow, Absolutely NO ONE needs the complete works of Elvis Costello. Armed Forces or the Rhino Greatest Hits.
Boschka - 2005-09-08 09:24:13
Dear UB I for one got it. I am writing to you from Houston, and I am sure you will agree that we will see the best and worst of all behavior for some time to come. Most of us at my office are either volunteering or are sheltering family and friends. We are simply trying to do the right thing and couldn't give a rat's patoot what the media says about New Orleans and Houston. F'them...they aren't here. Glad you and your family are okay. Hang in there bud. Your column is one of the first things I read every day..just for the grins. Best Regards, Boschka Houston, Texas
C - 2005-09-08 09:35:17
I would like to start by saying that I agree with the sentiment of your Tsunami entry. People who would step over the dead to tan are beyond me. That said, I am not sure you can say that Katrina will be more devastating then the tsunami. There were a quarter of a million people killed that day. I hope and pray that Katrina's death toll will remain drastically lower. Thoughts and Prayers to the coast.
Colfaxeng - 2005-09-08 09:44:29
Every once in a great while we ALL say or do something that we meant a certain way, but it is taken "wrong". Problem is, it usually IS wrong, no matter how it was intended. Those of us who were offended are not idiots or dummy proofed, or whatever crap netmom threw up there. A turd in the punchbowl is still gross and offensive to most people, and that's just normal. I'm still reading and enjoying UB, however. Maybe that makes me an idiot.
Mickey - 2005-09-08 10:09:29
Uh, yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with the guys up above. Not only did I not have a problem with the 'tsunami' entry, I even chuckled a bit. Nothing like crass humor to make me smile. But claiming that the aftereffects of Katrina will make the tsunami look like a "spring rain"??? Not quite. Shoulda left well enough alone, homes.
Squeakzilla - 2005-09-08 10:20:55
By trying to explain, your giveashitometer reading is certified at 3+ shitz. (Plus, I got a thing for the number 3) Welcome back UB! I foresee a job change in your future.
Barb - 2005-09-08 10:22:33
God Bless You Boschka and the rest of Texas who stepped up to the plate!
Squeakzilla - 2005-09-08 10:44:03
I forgot... Methinks he's talking about the ripple effect on commerce, economy, geographic displacement, people, families and the rebuilding effort etc. I watched a documentary about Galveston, TX which indicated the area has NEVER returned to its former socio-economic and commercial status post a Sept 8, 1900 hurricane that left *only* 7000 dead. Tragedy can be measured by the number of immediate fatalities but the long term effects are not always immediately apparent. I also respectfully submit that I am an idiot when it comes to such things.
Dea - 2005-09-08 10:51:15
UB I'm glad to see your ok, and I hope your issue you don't want to talk about is good news. And I love your diary, I get that you are a good guy, not the arse that some people try to make you out to be, and I hope you continue writing. I hope you know that there are plenty of lurkers and others out there who get pleasure from what you are writing and know that you aren't 'that guy'. And if the commentors are bothering you, tell them to be nice or a short blonde will come and kick them in the shins! I'll do it! I will!
awittykitty - 2005-09-08 10:59:25
I totally "got" your original tsunami post and at that point I needed some relief from all the grief I was seeing on TV and you provided it. Its called IRONY folks. Sheesh!
dear Dea - 2005-09-08 11:01:10
you have brown shit all over your nose.
Nina - 2005-09-08 11:12:41
Squeakzilla, Galveston is still a fairly well-off region. Those people in some of the countries affected by the Tsunami have lost everything. And yes, there are a lot of poor people in the Gulf Region, but that kind of poor is nothing compared to the kind of poor people have experienced in the Tsunami-affected region. Some of those people were already living in cardboard huts before the Tsunami struck. I'm not saying it's not terrible what has happened and will still happen as effect of Hurricane Katrina. There's so much suffering and loss. But just because it's happened in the USA does not make it worse than freaking THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND tsunami victims.
Greg - 2005-09-08 11:27:12
Nina, what's your point? Did someone say Katrina was worse than the tsunami? Are you saying we should divert the Katrina aid to Indonisia? As I remember it they didn't even want the U.S. in the country, but did so under international pressure. Even then they wouldn't let us in the most damaged areas, and told us to be out by March. BTW, when you live in the USA and it is currently happening, it is worse than something that happened somewhere else 9 months ago. I'm know that's how we in the cities hosting and caring for the refugees feel. What does the fucking tsunami have to do with this AT ALL?
Nina - 2005-09-08 11:34:55
Greg...qupting UB: "Katrina is going to make the tsunami look like a spring rain."
Northstar - 2005-09-08 11:43:49
Spring rain? Bob, how can you say that?
Sniel - 2005-09-08 11:46:30
Greg, take a valium and read the post everyone is commenting on. Moron.
Plop Phizz - 2005-09-08 11:47:16

Well, I for one am shocked and outraged...

Are you saying that a crackhead auto repair man wouldn't have sense enough to complete an Elvis Costello collection?

Man, you are out there every day walking the line of common decency, buddy. -- P.P.

Scott - 2005-09-08 11:50:54
UB you need to just get rid of the comments section. There are way too many people who just don't get you writing ridiculous comments. I think "spring rain" is the new one that people are going to spend their time complaining about. You're the first thing I read in the morning. Keep fighting the good fight.
Vanillakitty - 2005-09-08 12:04:06
I've noticed something. These people that say you're Oh So Bad, tasteless, etc.... If they are so disgusted with your entries and the especially the tsunami entry, Why do they still read you? If you don't agree with something you read why come back to read again? ehhh. You're still the shizzznit! Through all these heartfelt moments, we need a bit of humor, I for one don't think you're going overboard. I'm not going to sit at work depressed all day because everyone else in the world thinks that's what we should do.
Nina - 2005-09-08 12:09:16
Maybe because they actually like reading his entries the vast majority of the time? I for one didn't find the Tsnuami entry back then offensive anyway. Also, if you publish your writings this way, it's clear that not everyone will agree with you 100% of the time.
andhole - 2005-09-08 12:17:15
i think there are a few people in here who missed the "i don't give a shit what you think" line .. personally i am with you 100% Uncle Bee. thanks fer comin back, my mornings aren't the same without you.
Gneghis Jon - 2005-09-08 12:19:10
I'm glad you're alive and not being eaten by a pack of rabid rats. See...I am a nice guy!
Sniel - 2005-09-08 12:20:57
If he doesn't give a shit then why is he taking the time to explain himself for a post that he made nine months ago? Why even have a comments section?
westburian - 2005-09-08 12:30:21
Hey UB, remember the New Orleans mayor who was screaming for the 'government' to get off their gd asses and 'do somethin??? Why didn't he use these busses to evacuate the city BEFORE the storm hit - see picture here -
Blue Meany - 2005-09-08 13:03:05
Damn straight. I don't give a shit what you think, either. Aren't we all just one big happy family?
lizardbreath - 2005-09-08 13:06:28
I think people dont understand that it hasnt even been 2 weeks since Katrina. The water is still there... people think that they turn into a prune when they're in their nice warm bath water.. what about every dead thing that has been underwater for this long? All the building that are rotting, all the crap left over now under water... Its not over yet people. Tsunami IS a spring rain compaired to what has happened. UB's right.
taliana - 2005-09-08 13:35:56
Just want to point out that obviously you DO care what complete strangers think..otherwise why explain yourself now, all these months later? I still think you could have made your point in a more intelligent, less crass way. If you wanted ppl to THINK, did you do that in the most effective manner? Obviously not.
to westburian: - 2005-09-08 13:47:23
hey westburian, the reason the NOLA mayor didn't use the buses was because there weren't enough people to drive them. also, they wouldn't have been that much help, since, given the terrible traffic heading out of NOLA, each bus would have only been able to make one trip out--they wouldn't have been able to get back in. the NOLA city government *did* make plans for its citizens, not to evacuate those without transportation (because gov't evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people is impractical/impossible), but to create a safe place for them to take refuge: the Superdome. it's not NOLA's mayor's fault that the roof blew off. and that plan worked, mostly. there are tens of thousands of people who are alive and safe now, because they went to the Superdome, that may not have made it if NOLA hadn't had that plan in place. there are, of course, things that the NOLA gov't could have done better, e.g. planning on using the Convention Center as well as the Superdome, so it would have had security and supplies. but i'd say that the NOLA gov't did a pretty damn good job, all things considered. i'd argue that the same thing cannot be said of the federal government.
Uncle Bob - 2005-09-08 13:49:09
When I compared the tsunami to a spring rain, I meant that we've only scratched the surface of the repercussions that Katrina will have on a global scale. The tsunami killed 300,000 people immediately. What a number of people are thinking is "Oh, Katrina killed (insert smaller number here) people so it's not nearly as bad." Think of the ripple effect, people. For DAYS, people waded through diseased waters filled with dead animals, people, toxins and human waste. We then shipped these people all over the country ... Phoenix, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta and Denver. In a few weeks, those evacuees are going to start coughing during a job interview or while talking to a TV reporter. The outbreak of hepatitis, dysentry, cholera and e-coli is going to be tremendous. Don't just imagine New Orleans wiped out. Imagine Phoenix, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, Denver and wherever else these diseases decide to spread. It sounds like a bad B-movie but all signs point to a black plague sweeping the nation. Not to mention (as someone else above already has) the economic impacts that are going to decimate several sections of society. I hate to get all Doomsday on your asses, but it's what I believe. The repercussions of this act of God are going to be ringing for years to come. I ain't just whistlin' Dixie here, people.
D - 2005-09-08 13:50:26
I just wanted to say I'm really offended by your statement that... hey... hang on... has this mole always been this big? Hey, look, is this getting bigger? No, come on, seriously. Look. Look!
Trixie - 2005-09-08 14:20:50
Geez, UB, when you put it that way... End of the world and stuff. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think it's kind of mean of you to just disappear for all these days post-disaster and make people worry about you. It seems you enjoyed the attention, and the need to make everyone's lunches wasn't so great as the need to be missed and worried about. Do you get off on that kind of stuff? 'Cause damn.
C - 2005-09-08 14:21:09
A few general questions... why do you have an online journal? Isn't it to share your life and thoughts and humor with total strangers? And why do you have a comments section? Isn't it so you can get feedback from those strangers? I really wonder, then, why you say you "don't give two shits what [we] think of [you]." Take your journal off the internet then. Or deal with the fallout when you say some really uninformed, unfunny bullshit.
Colette - 2005-09-08 14:25:41
Total stranger here. The entry didn't bother me. Your crass comments don't bother me. If i didn't like reading some of your commets, i would stop reading the diary. But as it is, I enjoy reading your diary and the rest of the people who are giving you a hard time need to find better things to do with their workday.
Chunk - 2005-09-08 14:27:26
Bwahahahahahaha! Black plague eh? I'm sorry I didn't understand your humour before I get it! Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! hahahahaha
Squeakzilla - 2005-09-08 14:52:32
Blatant attempt at comments section hijack: Has anybody seen the film Constant Gardener?
Don't believe in God? - 2005-09-08 15:00:39
Just read a bible people....The end is near!
Barb - 2005-09-08 15:09:19
Sounds a little bit like a Stephen King Novel actually.... remember The Stand? Plague first.... then idiots out in Vegas, burning stuff up and doing all sorts of bad stuff.... (crime in New Orleans?) Too close for comfort!
Rain King - 2005-09-08 15:11:55
UB, you slick bastard. I personally think one's own diary should not give them a headache. I mean, I have read your diary for at least 5 years now from Nova Scotia, and I beg you to keep entertaining us when you can. As your diary reader I will digest any opinion that you have, and only make positive comments about your writing. It is after all, your right to have an opnion that you want about anything, I understand. I wont fight you, ever. My sister was in Thailand when the Tsunami hit, I can relate to everyone who has spent 2 weeks dying to hear from loved ones half way around the world. You never know how lucky we are to have things like the internet and telephones until they just aren't there. Uncle Bob I gladly would have gone on the beach and beat in heads with you if I saw sun-bathers while I was still sick over the possible loss of my sister. But I think men like you and I would save the head-beatings and begin moving debris and helping the search in any way we could. For you readers who read with a negative outlook, automatically you will see the point that you are looking for. When we stop and think to ourselves about what we have just read sometimes there is a hidden point behind everything. I mean lets face it, there are many classes that teach us about what Shakespear actually wrote. As for a car with a statement on it that didn't make any sense, I think we could have a metaphor on our hands kids. If you dont take time to find out about a situation, and fully educate yourself on any background information, such as the sunbathing info that Unclebob was refering to in that entry, then don't try to make a point. Actually, it would almost appear that you are just mouthing off over YOUR OWN frustrations about your personal loss during that time and not taking a deep breath and realizing that maybe there is a news story about people going back to the beaches and not helping to find YOUR LOVED ONES. Well gee whiz, all of a sudden I completely agree with Unclebobs entry. Actually he was standing up for my sister before I even knew people were slacking off. Man, Unclebob keeping me current with my sister's situation and I didn't even ask him. What a guy, honestly. So for all these people who have pent up agression and feel the need to chop a guy down from his shins up, I'd Say grow up a little bit and join him face to face. You'd be suprised how quickly a misunderstanding can be cleared up, especially when you are the one that is cleary wrong. I'm not sure if there is an Unclebob electiion or not, but he has my vote. And I would say from reading his Diary for as long as I have that you should be proud to read this diary, and you should be proud to know that a man like Unclebob is only hours away from this newest struggle. Open up your eyes and realize he will be one of the people who help out in ANYWAY that he can for these people that are so close to his heart and location. After all, he did take less money for his old house, just to help a small family achieve a real home, just for one small example. I urge you now, if you don't like, respect, or value the writings of Unclebob. If you can't handle what you read, and especially if you didnt read it right, get off this page. Go away. If you can't laugh, or relate, or wonder at and about the things UB writes, see ya later. If you are blind enough that you couldn't see a metaphor in the first couple paragraphs of todays entry clearly displaying Unclebob's point, you obviously shouldn't have the right to read at all. If you can't understand the balance that Unclebob must have to make sure he updates this thing for people like me to enjoy, and appreciate seeing his little boy growing up, fly away. If you can't see that Unclebob is a caring, smart, compassionate man then just melt between the floorboards. I don't want to see you anymore. I guess what I am saying is that one man should not take in what Unclebob does just for having an opionion he writes on his own. You don't yell at a newspaper if you dont like the story you are readng, so why leave a nasty comment because it is just a type and a clickity-click. Start appreciating his work, or ultimately you won't have it to read anymore. And I, will personally miss that. UB: Thanks for all the long term laughs. I appreciate them.
Megan - 2005-09-08 15:28:01
I don't know how you do it UB. I would have quit by now, you get too much shit. I thought it was a bit crass at first, then I saw the story on tv and thought that you were 100% right. I hope that things are going okay with you and yours, that nothing is majorly wrong.
reality - 2005-09-08 15:31:00
if all of you people are sick to death of reading UB's diary, why do you keep coming back? "*waaaah* UB said something mean... no one should ever read him again and that's final! ..until the next time he updates and then we can bitch about that entry too!!!!!one1!!eleven11!!"
Chris - The Original Chris - 2005-09-08 15:34:46
Vanillakitty and Rain King - I agree. VOTE FOR UNCLE BOB VOTE FOR UNCLE BOB VOTE FOR UNCLE BOB VOTE FOR UNCLE BOB VOTE FOR UNCLE BOB VOTE FOR UNCLE BOB and... VOTE FOR UNCLE BOB Why? Cause we're all reading of our own free will. You don't like a tv show? CHANGE THE CHANNEL! You don't want to read UB? STOP COMING HERE!
DanjerusKurves - 2005-09-08 15:48:56
Yah, I'm with everybody else on the "it's your diary so don't explain yourself" standpoint. Also, I'm in Houston ... so can I come and live with you and your wife?
Rain King - 2005-09-08 15:55:10
After I finished that rant, I went and read a few more comments, this one caught my eye: "Plop Phizz - 2005-09-08 11:47:16 Well, I for one am shocked and outraged... Are you saying that a crackhead auto repair man wouldn't have sense enough to complete an Elvis Costello collection? Man, you are out there every day walking the line of common decency, buddy. -- P.P." Honest to god dude, if you couldn't see that the Cd/Car thing was a story about ASSUMTIONS about someone based on some writing on the wall, I would say you are walking the line to see if you are drunk. Unclebob is the type of man to never assume based on a sign that is in EVERY GARAGE. It is a legal thing, it has nothing to do with the employees. but UB was saying "What if we assumed bad things about people working there based on that sign that was placed there for legal porposes". KINDA like assuming bad things about a diary writer, and not knowing the real guy. Thats it I call upon all the people who have read this diary for a long time to say something extremely nice about UB. Just sit back and remember luaghing out loud in a quiet computer lab and having everyone look at you, but you cant stop because it is that funny. Do whatever you need to, I am sick of reading these lame comments that SHOW these people should not be part of the UB club. Lets run them out of town!
also known as Rain king - 2005-09-08 15:56:01
AKA uncle Bobs mom
Advice column - 2005-09-08 16:01:04
Rain King, ever heard of short and sweet......... no, hint hint
Nina - 2005-09-08 16:04:31
*watches jokes fly over rain king's head*
Rain King - 2005-09-08 16:05:02
Now you have comments for MY writing? Holy Crap you guys don't stop. I'll write how I like, thank you.
Sniel - 2005-09-08 16:08:30
UB, can you please inform Rain King that you're not the second coming of Shakespeare and that not every word you write in this diary should be read as an allegory or metaphor? I know you're incredibly deep and tackle big issues (mistakenly eating one of your son's boogers for instance), but you should set the record straight before RK starts stalking you. Also, can someone get a ladder to help Rain King down from his horse?
Mello - 2005-09-08 16:31:52
Thanks UB, for bringing out the flames. I'm sure you knew we needed something to entertain us during these trying times. :) Kudos on everything you said today. Although, one tiny nit-pick, and probably giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who doesn't deserve it...but do you think those guys might have meant "Don't vote for Jeb Bush?" Just sayin', it's possible. There could be a third. Shudder.
Jen - 2005-09-08 16:42:23
I didn't care for the tsunami entry either, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy UB's writing overall. Go ahead.."run me out of town" because I have a differing opinion than UB. It happens.
erin - 2005-09-08 16:42:43
I think Mello is right, especially since JB '08 bumperstickers are already popping up. Frightening...
Boschka - 2005-09-08 17:21:00
To Rain King I am not much of a big poster , 'cept for today it seems.. I read UB because he makes me laugh till I nort coffee...I have always been easily seduced by a clever phrase ..according to my husband. UB proves that you can be funny and clever and the off kilter that we all need ..with out mean. He's one of the good guys.
Boschka - 2005-09-08 17:21:37
To Rain King I am not much of a big poster , 'cept for today it seems.. I read UB because he makes me laugh till I snort coffee...I have always been easily seduced by a clever phrase ..according to my husband. UB proves that you can be funny and clever and the off kilter that we all need ..with out mean. He's one of the good guys.
Emily - 2005-09-08 18:50:17
Now, I may not be right, but I think UB drug up the old tsunami entry to teach us a lesson. Half of you are telling him he's tactless in saying that Katrina will be worse than the tsunami. I think what he means (or at least how I intrepreted it) goes back to what he was saying. IT HIT HIM CLOSE TO HOME. To HIM, Katrina will feel worse than the tsunami. Let the man grieve.
vitamin c - 2005-09-08 20:46:39
Damn, people! We are not trying to interpret the bible here or anything! Its UB! Read, comment, then get back to work. Stop explaining yourself, UB. You kick aaaasssssss....
Meany again - 2005-09-08 22:03:31
I'm sorry, I almost never re-comment, but this was really weighing heavily on my mind ... I want to contribute a few punctuation marks to you, to make up for all the ones missing in these comments thus far. Insert them wherever necessary, and consider it a donation, okay? Here ya go:

" ; , ' : - "

Just wanted to do my part for grammatical humanity.
LaToya - 2005-09-08 22:14:01
Hey U.B. What do Michael Jackson and Caviar have in common? They both come on little white crackers!
robin - 2005-09-08 23:09:31
wow.. people didn't understand that tsunami comment? People are dumb. LaToya: ahahahah! good one :)
Lesley - 2005-09-09 03:44:38
If Jeb's going to run and it's rumoured he intends to, the shoe polish man has a point. In any case, if it's not George, it'll be someone LIKE George, and who needs that?
Kitty Mac - 2005-09-09 07:52:45
Would you like a shovel??
MrsSquidley - 2005-09-09 07:56:43
Honestly... I wanna know why Andrew was so upset by the vacuum cleaner :P
Squeakzilla - 2005-09-09 08:54:07
Trying to make a point here is uh... POINTLESS! Again (this time I insist) I AM AN IDIOT!
Sniel - 2005-09-09 08:56:04
Point taken...
Squeakzillz - 2005-09-09 08:58:16
(Editor: Please imsert comma after parenthetical in my previous post per Meany 8D ) Thank You.
The Boy - 2005-09-09 10:24:06
Jeebus UB.... get out the Raid... this swarm of flies is killing me. bitch on your own blog, UB is the big dog... he's the poo, so take a big sniff, and get off your bloggin high horse and lighten up. Hillary runs for office in a few years for you yappers, so save the piss and vinegar for when you have to defend her and Pelosi
Barb - 2005-09-09 10:35:46
woowoo 77!
Plop Phizz - 2005-09-09 10:39:36

Rain King, I was making a joke; however, I am still impressed with how much of a response I got from you, given that the crux of the joke was the selection of the most innocuous part of the entry.

Obviously, you have very strong opinions about that musical tastes of crackhead auto repair man. Keep fighting for them, because even a crackhead deserves to hear "Peace, Love and Understanding" that one last time. -- P.P.

Brick Tamland - 2005-09-09 11:46:33

fifi - 2005-09-09 12:52:10
UB, I admit, the irony of your Tsunami pic and post was lost on me, because I had not read about the ppl still going to sunbathe despite the chaos around them. So, I found it tasteless because I misunderstood your motive. Too subtle for some! I also admit, and I am embarrassed by this, that after the London bombs recently, one of my first thoughts was," what bad losers the French are!" However, not having a blog, or a picture of a dead body to illustrate the idea, I kept it to myself and just felt like my brain was sick and twisted... I'd like to think that I don't care what people think of me, but, sadly I am unable to stamp out that need to be perceived as decent. You too?
Rain King - 2005-09-09 13:04:40
Pop Phizz My Apologies, read it wrong. I find the crackheads here stick mostly to R&B though.
Chad - 2005-09-09 14:49:44
This reminds me of something that I may have read first here. "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded." Keep it up, UB.
hooter - 2005-09-09 16:18:30
at least there will be plenty of floats at the next mardi gra! Yes I know it's spelt wrong - deal with it !
Bunknugget - 2005-09-09 17:46:08
What do ya get when you give a million Monkeys a million keyboards?............................................................................................................ The INTERNET!
Monkey - 2005-09-09 18:07:27
What do you get when you give a million monkeys the interenet???? A million sore monkeys!
Idiots reign supreme - 2005-09-09 18:15:32
My papa once tole me "NEVER argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" Wonder if it's the same thing with monkees? =)
Chris - The Original Chris - 2005-09-09 18:36:05
Thanks Chad! "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded." wow...laughing and disturbing all the stuck up folks in my office! Hahahahahaha
Halo Askew - 2005-09-09 22:46:03
If there was EVER someone to say STOP THE MADNESS OF THE HYPE, it was you! What happened to you, Uncle Bob? Ever since you lost your job, and your other job, and your OTHER job (did I miss one?), you've lost your...edge. How many times can you talk about bad karaoke and DJ'ing a wedding? I'm surprised you're not stranded on a roof firing ammo at the cops because you haven't gotten your gov'ment check yet. (Or ARE YOU?) If you're aiming to lose readers, mission accomplished, buddy.
Meany again again - 2005-09-09 22:47:56
Squeakzilla: Thank you. That one comma is just the beginning. You may have started a grammatical revolution.

Ploppy: If the crackhead auto repairmen would get off the crack, I bet you they'd realize they don't even really like Elvis Costello that much, and just stole the CD collection in the first place so that they could sell it for more crack.
Nina - 2005-09-10 07:15:42
why would Bob get a government check?
Nieve Nina - 2005-09-10 08:29:27
he wouldnt get a check this is way above you, humor joke, laughter and you made it even funnier because it went over your head. PS Andrew social security check would be 446.00 per month. Not bad lol
Nina - 2005-09-10 08:32:18
To me it's way funnier when people insist on using big fancy words and totally butcher them. And don't come pretending it was on purpose. That's never believable.
Penny - 2005-09-10 11:01:14
hi, bob. things are exciting here in the comments section. i'm a little startled at your opinion on katrina vs. the tsunami. how can you even compare these two events? your last comments - "Thousands of people dead. Millions homeless with no jobs." can i ask, what do you think the tsunami did? left everyone's house in tact? gave the economy for already poverty stricken countries a healthy boost? the tsunami must have been a job-creating, house friendly, giant fucking wave that just killed 300,000 to thin the heard a bit, right? try getting a little perspective.
the tsunami - 2005-09-10 13:22:08
OK now I'm pissed. Quit comparing us. It's a waste of time. And, it's "herd", not "heard".
Meany for the LAST fricking time, I promise - 2005-09-10 13:46:12
Just out of curiosity, why does everyone feel so deeply about what one person says about this whole issue? Everyone's entitled to an opinion; you've got yours, I've got mine, let it go already, sheesh! Channel that energy toward relief efforts, if you must expend it.
cower_in_fear - 2005-09-11 02:57:16
Gramer an d spellin Nazis make teh baby jeebus crie omfgwtfbbq!!1111 4reel u shuld knot b so serius about grammer n spellling n shit lyke that b cause it will make u go grey on ur head n stuff b cause itz bad 2 worri 2 much aboot other ppl n stuff lolz. so if ur OK with mayking ppl feel bad aboot they're misstakes then corect this coment n feel lyke u r special becuz u won't be.....self righteous bastards, I hope that made blood shoot from your nostrils.
Betty - 2005-09-11 14:31:22
"The repercussions of this act of God are going to be ringing for years to come." UB The repercussions are already evidnet here. People have lost their minds! With all the stupid things said by so many in the media & all levels of gov't, you people are hell bent on crucifying some guy on the internet?!?!Stop drinking the flood waters, Peeps.
Susan Powter - 2005-09-11 20:51:27
Fonzie - 2005-09-11 20:59:13
UB, this comments section has jumped the shark. Kill it. Kill it now. Too many idiots here (myself included). Come here for the laughs, stay here for the loonies on the comments board. or don't.
Katherine - 2005-09-11 21:17:04
I never saw the original post until today. Though you've explained your intention and the context for the original post, I can only say you should have expected the backlash presenting it the way you did. If a few of your readers "got it" it wasn't because they were, as you say, brighter than the rest, but because they already had the context for it. They'd seen the news items about people tanning amid bodies.
alex - 2005-09-12 00:14:33
I like pie.
ha! - 2005-09-12 01:14:41
I like alex.

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