Uncle Bob Fat and Bloated in Alabama current entry older entries message board contact
2000-03-31 - The Idiot's Survival Guide To Being Stung By A Wasp
2000-03-31 - Early Morning Phone Calls Suck
2000-03-30 - NEWMAN!!
2000-03-30 - The Original April Fool ... My College Roommate Dave
2000-03-30 - Bob Vila Ain't Got Shit On Me
2000-03-29 - This Ain't How Donald Trump Got Started
2000-03-29 - The Handicapped Fashion Show
2000-03-28 - Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones ...
2000-03-27 - Telephone, Telegram, Tell Uncle Bob
2000-03-27 - Alright...Here's the Secret...
2000-03-26 - Are You There God? It's Me, Uncle Bob ... Margaret's Pimp.
2000-03-25 - Somebody Has Made The Bobber's Day
2000-03-25 - Charlie
2000-03-24 - The Red Headed Stepchild of Diary Entries
2000-03-24 - Hey Mayor...Can I Borrow The Keys?
2000-03-23 - The First Time I Took Acid
2000-03-23 - The Further Adventures of Dog Man
2000-03-22 - Another Boring Recap of Another Boring Day
2000-03-22 - Hide Your Car Keys, I Might Steal That Too
2000-03-21 - My Old Buddy Russ
2000-03-21 - The Horrifying Origin of Mrs. Bob and Bob
2000-03-20 - Incredibly Boring But True Things I Did Today
2000-03-20 - Telemarketers Are Da DEBBIL!!
2000-03-20 - I Have a Degree In Bouncing From Devry
2000-03-19 - Return of the Son of the Bride of Incoherant Ramblings
2000-03-19 - A Whole New Frontier
2000-03-18 - The Teacher
2000-03-18 - I've Got A Real Beef With These People
2000-03-17 - The King Hits a Speed Bump On The Road To Greatness
2000-03-17 - Let's Set Granny on Fire!!
2000-03-17 - Happy St. Paddy's Day, Ya Drunken Bastahd!
2000-03-16 - You Guys Are The Best ,Dammit
2000-03-16 - Diarylanders That I Wish Would Die (A-D)
2000-03-15 - Yeeeeee Hawwwww Y'allllll
2000-03-15 - Bug Boy Is The Bane Of My Existence
2000-03-15 - Who The Hell Wants To Marry Darva Conger?
2000-03-15 - Sleep Deprivation Makes Uncle Bob Boring
2000-03-14 - I'm Sorry, Could You Repeat That?
2000-03-13 - The Ballad Of Burger Boy
2000-03-13 - The Worst Day of My Life (So Far)
2000-03-12 - The Worst Job I've Ever Had
2000-03-11 - The Complete Idiot's Guide to PMS
2000-03-11 - God Bless The Brain Dead Chimp Kids
2000-03-11 - Scattered Smothered Covered and Demolished
2000-03-10 - I'll Come Up With A Damned Title Later
2000-03-10 - News Bulletin: Amateur Psychic Finds Golden Egg
2000-03-10 - I'm So Freakin' Lame
2000-03-10 - Kid Gets Spanked. School Gets Sued. Film At 11.
2000-03-09 - I'm Better Than Underpants
2000-03-09 - The Most Famous Person I've Ever Made Out With
2000-03-08 - I'm Sorry Caren...Do You Hear Me ... I'm SORRY!!!
2000-03-08 - Things To Do Today
2000-03-07 - Ramblings of the Incoherant Kind
2000-03-07 - OHMIGOD!
2000-03-07 - Spring ahead. Fall Back. Shoot Another Tequila.
2000-03-06 - Writers Block 101
2000-03-06 - Shameless Plugs For The Weekend Warriors
2000-03-05 - The Worst Date Of My Life
2000-03-05 - Ten Things I'd Rather Do Than Have Sex With Bjork
2000-03-05 - Goodbye
2000-03-04 - Two More Heinies To Go
2000-03-04 - Tears Of Joy
2000-03-04 - Saturday Morning News Briefs Sponsored By Kelloggs
2000-03-03 - Say TOYBOAT three times fast
2000-03-03 - Oh Yeah ... and The Captain & Tenille
2000-03-03 - Radio Fuckers
2000-03-02 - A Pitiful Entry
2000-03-01 - A Very Special McDonald's Story